Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bushcare Redux

Here’s a little “before” and “after” from some bushcare we did today at Cabbage Tree Creek. (According to Jen, bushcare is actually “weeding…cunningly disguised!”) While we were busy working today, Jen called me over, asking if I wanted a “challenge.” I said, “Sure, bring it on!” She showed me a sad, smothered Lily Pilly tree (I just LOVE the names here!) that was completely hidden by Asparagus Fern, Balloon Vine and Mile-a-Minute, see above left. I got after it, not really believing that there actually was a tree under there. After about twenty minutes of serious hacking and hauling, I uncovered a nice little tree, above right! You can also see the pile of the vines I removed in the lower pic.

1 comment:

  1. Asparagus Fern!!! I had that stuff in San Diego. It is the most wicked stuff to get rid off. I'm so glad that poor little tree has friends!! :-)
